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Hello, I'm Wawa . 17 . Represent to you stories of my life . If you don't like it , go ahead . Take your own risk . =)

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big clap
Template & design was made by Adam Faiz. Thanks to Michiko for the basecode, & Wanaseobyfor the useful tuto and colourful backgrounds.Please,do not remove the credit.tQ

Gemok tol..louth...
Thursday 29 September 2011 | 0 comments
gramnye aq ..ari nie ade louth 2 owunk dux 2 dtbkt kls aq..ckp kls aq kotor..pdahal kls die
xde lh bersih sgt..debu gak..masalh..dtg kls owunk tumbok...tpi aq ngn kwan aq gram kt sowunk dux gmok nie...bangang nye perangai...ptg nnti kitowunk nk kne kn die...pdn muke die..
dh louth aq xde suare..sush nk jerit..klu glak pon rse mcm x smpai...adoyaii...
siap louth ko gmok..nnti klu aq dh ade suare tengking ko...dh ade sowunk 2 ckp kt kwn aq..klu kwan aq x jumpe kwan die ..die kte nnti kawan die merajuk..mslah..ape hagi aq ckp louth kawn ko 2 laki buknnye pondan...masalah..mrajuk mcm pompuan....nsib baik die 2 xde fb....kwan aq pon sme menggatal...baru cm2 je dh kmbang setmn...laen la klu ensem x pe gak...ini jerawat je lebih...huishhhhhhhh..lantak louth....